Conversion / new build
Zeughaus und Staatsarchiv, Herisau
Canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden
Canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden
Year of construction
Construction costs
CHF 18.5 million
Planning contract
• Wood construction
• Solid construction
• Fire protection
Project description
The Zeughaus building built in 1919 by Alfred Ramseyer and Fritz Hiller and the elongated storage building built in 1985 were fully renovated for their new owners, the cantonal police and other administrative departments of the Canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden. The timber construction of the storage rooms was statically reinforced. The head building of the five-storey building was completely gutted and fitted with new reinforced concrete walls and ceilings. The new threestorey annex (top floor in timber construction) was built on the existing cultural heritage area.